Suggested Interview Questions for Gabby Brennan
Download a Radio One Pager.
- Give us some examples of things you heard as a new parent that inspired gabbybaby.
- Why do people offer unsolicited advice to new parents? Aren’t they really just trying to help?
- gabbybaby T-shirts and onesies may be a parent’s first line of defense, but what if that doesn’t work? How can new parents respond to unsolicited advice?
- What is your advice to people who can’t resist offering their 2 cents to new parents? Is there a polite way to offer advice that hasn’t been asked for?
- How has founding gabbybaby empowered you as a Mom?
- People e-mail you their own stories of intrusive questions and unwanted advice. Can you give some examples?
- People love babies and love to touch them. How can you politely keep a stranger's hands off your child? What are the dangers of “touching” strangers?
- Right now gabbybaby features baby apparel, but you plan to expand from there. What future products are you considering? Where can people buy gabbybaby products?